Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Holidays 2010

Merry Christmas to all!  We hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and was able to spend time with their families.  This was a very special Christmas for our family as you can imagine with the two new additions.  God has blessed us in so many ways but most importantly by completing our family with Collins and Clarie.  They spent their first Christmas at two very special their Bear and GiGi's on Christmas day with the whole family and with their Nanny and Papaw Jimmy at Aunt Amy's (Paris) with seven cousins the day after Christmas. This was the twins first day long adventures and road trip from home!  They did great..kept their daily routine and slept for the 2-hour trip to and from Paris.  Needless to say, it was a joyous two days for everyone!  Dad has also been home for the holidays and has really enjoyed his one on one time with them and so has mom (break for her)! 

Lots of milestones have been accomplished over the holidays! The twins have found their hands, (daddy does not like their hands in their mouth but mommy lets them!) they are jabbering, laughing, and recognizing mommy and daddy's voices.  They are happy babies as long as they are full, dry, napped, and entertained!  Well correction...Claire needs to be entertained!  The bouncy swing has been a life-saver for mommy when it comes to entertaining Claire.  Thanks to Aunt Mel, my best friend, for suggesting it when she came to visit/help while Daddy went hunting.  They have the Roddy sleeping gene too...they sleep anywhere from 9-10 hours at night.  Praise God! This is His gift to mommy so she can reenergize for the next day.
We are sad that the holidays are coming to an end.  Dad goes back to work and mommy is going back part-time.

Christmas at Aunt Amy's
Oh, I almost forgot, Claire was so excited about Christmas that she decided she was going to wake up and meet Santa...the child has been sleeping for weeks through the night but woke up at 1:00am with a big smile on her face!  She wanted to see Santa!
All nine cousins!
Collins and Claire's cousins have been waiting patiently to meet them and finally got to at Christmas!  What a wonderful Christmas present!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tummy Time at 4 Months Old

Duo Tummy Time

"Hi Daddy," Claire
Collins peeking up at Mommy.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Twins 3 months Old

Claire and Collins posing for mommy so she can capture the
beautiful quilt made by their Great Aunts, Pam and Alice.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Day in the Life of Collins and Claire

Mom and Claire start the day off cooking breakfast.

Mom giving instructions for upcoming "Center" play time. 
Notice Claire is already ignoring mom.

Center #1 Science: Collins and Claire learning about animal habitats

Center #2 Reading- Listening patiently to mom while she reads to us.
Center #3 Music: Collins practicing music notes.

Center #4 Math: How many flowers do you see Claire Bear?

Nap Time:  Praise God...mommy is tired!

Update 12wks Old

The twins will be three months old Sunday and they are doing great!  They've had a busy week at 12wks old.  Collins and Claire made their first trip to Dallas early Thursday morning to go to the eye doctor and to get their synagis shot (RSV).  GiGi and Mom started getting ready for the road trip at 5:00am and was ready to leave the house by 7:00a....Whew...what a morning!  We were back in Waxahachie by 12:30 and they were so good.  Note to self...if fussy...take a road trip...they slept the whole time!

Friday morning we made another quick trip to the doctors for a weight check.  Collins weighs 8lbs 6.5 oz and Claire weighs 9lbs 10 oz.  We aren't skipping any meals around here.

Both are still on the monitors but hopefully they will be off of them in a couple of weeks.  We've had minor alarm sounds since we have been home.  We are anxious to not have to carry them around but at the same time, we sleep good knowing if something goes wrong we will be alarmed.  It will be another adjustment for mom and dad when they can't depend on them to alarm when something is wrong. 

The kids are great sleepers at night.  They have been sleeping 4 to 5 hour stretches at night between feedings, which is very helpful for sanity purposes for everyone in the house...including Lacey!  Luckily, we have had GiGi here day and night to help.  We rotate feedings at night so that everyone gets a long stretch of sleep.  During the day they feed, play, FUSS, and then decide to take a cat nap.  The definition of cat nap is "a short nap for mommy to wash bottles, clothes, vacuum dog hair, and maybe blog."  Really you only get to do one of those duties during a cat nap!

They are good babies and have no major health problems.  Collins has mild reflux and a gassy stomach but things could be a lot worse.  Clarie's health problem...well she is an addict when it comes to her pacifier!  Bless her heart, she loves her pacifier.  Luckily that is mostly during the day...we do not have to get up (yet) in the middle of the night to put it back in her mouth.

So as you can read...all is good on the Roddy Home Front!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Week Home (10wks old)

Double-Wide Recliner for weekend lounging

Stretching Out

Collins first bath at home.

Claires first bath at home.

Playing dress up!

Off to the doctors office.

Cuddle Time!

Going Home!

Collins & Claire finally got to go home Monday, October 18!
Saying goodbye to our favorite nurse Jenny!

Get me out of here!

Are we going somewhere?

All Ready!

Dad, it's a tight mommy a bigger vehicle please!

We are home at last!

10 Wks old

Wednesday, October 13, 2010




First time in bouncy seat.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

40 Weeks Today...Actual Due Date

Well, we really thought we would have been home by now but Collins and Claire have other plans.  I have tried to communicate to them how wonderful their home is and how much they are going to love their room.  It seems to go in one ear and out the other...the beginnings of parenthood!  We are very anxious to go home but we know God is good and he is keeping them here a little longer to ensure they are fully ready to journey off into the world.

It has been an eventful week!  Mom was sick all last week with a uterine infection from the c-section that kept her away for a few days.  Claire has averaged at least one brady a day during sleep and/or feeding times.  Collins had a good week...sleep brady free.  Friday, Clint and the kids were on Channel 11 News for a Health Watch on RSV.  They were so darn cute!
Yesterday morning, Collins was discharged to go home due to going seven days without a sleep brady.  We decided to stay until the evening with Claire.  About 3:30 in the afternoon, Collins surprised us with a sleep brady that awarded him five more days in the hospital.  I must say we were somewhat relieved since Claire was not going to join us at home.  We were also thankful we did not take him home that morning.

As of right now, 9:30pm Wedneday night, Claire had her last brady Monday night at 9:45pm and Collins yesterday at 3:30pm.  We pray that those are the last ones and they will be coming home Sunday.  It's pretty scary to think about them coming home when they have had so many.  The doctors reassure us that they will wake up one morning and be done with them.  We pray today is the day!

Please continue to pray for our family.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Family Celebs!

Clint, Collins, and Claire made an appearance on the Channel 11 CBS News Friday, October 1.

Collins weighs 5lbs 15.4 oz
Claire weighs 7lbs 6.6 oz

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Seven Weeks Old Today

Collins and Claire are doing good.  As of early this morning, they both bought us another five days in Special Care by having "Bradys".  They have to go five consecutive days without a "Brady" before they will let them go home.   We were afraid yesterday that he might end up going home before Claire since he had not had any bradys!  Claire had her "Brady" first yesterday and then he ended up having one at midnight last night.  Basically, he has caught up with sister. He has also graduated to all eight feeds and no longer has his feeding tube.  The only reason we are having to stay at this point is because of the "Bradys."  As they get older and build stamina when eating the "Bradys" should cease. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Brady Episode"

Claire going home has been delayed five more days due to a "Sleep Brady" that happened yesterday morning.  Although we would rather Claire not to have "Bradys" we are glad that she is not going home just yet so she can stay with brother.  She is now taking all eight feedings via bottle or nursing and no longer has her feeding tube.  Claire looks and acts like a full term baby weighing in at 6lbs. 10.6oz.  She is such Miss Personality!

Collins has rallied back from NICU!  His heart and respiratory rate have leveled off...except for when he gets upset!  He tends to set the monitors off when he's fidgeting around.  He likes for us to know he's here!  His feedings were increased this morning to six via bottle or nursing, while the other two are via feeding tube. Collins lost a few ounces once he returned to Special Care due to all the IV fluids they were pumping to him...a bit puffy he was! Therefore, he now weighs 5lbs 3.6oz.  He is slowly but surely catching up with sister! 

Both are beginning to behave more like full term babies.  They are staying awake more during the day after their feedings and much more alert.  Luckily, their day and night schedule is to our liking.  The nurses do a great job helping us with their schedules...and i must add the nurses are wonderful! 

Needless to say, we have not a clue when we will be going home but we are hoping they both will be home by the first of October.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Six Weeks Old Today

Sunday, September 19, six weeks old.  Claire weighs 6lbs 3.6oz and is up to five out of eight feedings (58-60mL by bottle or nursing) a day.  Her last "Brady" was this past Thursday night.  Doctors are talking like she may go home by the end of the week. 
Collins weighs 5lbs 6.8oz and is back to three feedings (35mLby bottle or nursing) a day.  He is still in the NICU but doctors say if all goes well tonight he could be back to Special Care with his sister tomorrow. His HR and Respiratory rate are still running high occasionally but seem to be better. 

I'm full, no more mommy!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Collins started his bottle feedings back yesterday after going 7 days with nothing but IV fluids.  He is up to 10 mL of milk today and seems to be handling the feeds quite well.  He is now waking up about 30 min before feeding time rooting around waiting to be fed.  Collins did give us a scare this morning...his heart rate and respiration rate was running a little high which could be an indication of infection.  The doctors ordered tests and they all came back negative.  They said all they can do is to continue to monitor his heart and respiration rates closely since all tests are negative.  It's day to day with "Little Man." 

Now Claire...she is doing great!  We call her our "Little Pigglet."  She loves to eat and now weighs 5lbs 15oz.  She nurses three times a day, bottle feeds once a day, and the other four feedings are by tube.  She is slowly working her way up to the eight feedings required to leave.  Course we aren't in any hurry to leave since Collins won't be going home anytime soon. 

We stay busy going back-n-forth between special care and NICU.  They both feed every 3-hours.  Collins feeds 9:00, 12:00, 3:00...and Claire 8:00, 11:00, as you can see we spend most of our time feeding kiddos!  They are precious and we find ourselves just gazing at them!

Celebrating Dads Birthday

Yesterday, September 15, we celebrated Clint's 38th Birthday!  Clint spent his day going between Special Care feeding Claire and NICU to feed Collins.
Proud Dad!

Dad and Claire

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Football

It's Football Season!
Dad and Evie Claire hanging out watching Sunday afternoon football!

Collins Returns to NICU

Wednesday, September 8, at 6:00pm Collins McClain gave mommy a big scare during the Dallas Tornado.  An hour and a half before normal feeding time Collins was setting off the monitors displaying signs of distress.  I went to check on him and could smell why he might be a little distressed.  As I began changing his diaper i noticed blood in his stool.  Needless to say, Mommy began to panic!  I immediately went to find the nurse.  They were out in the hallways planning for Code Black, tornado, move babies to hallway.   I'm thinking who cares about tornado my little man is bleeding.  The nurse responded quickly and called the doctor.  Within 10 min they were moving him back to NICU.  His symptoms indicated he might have what they call NEC, an intestinal infection, which had the potential to be very serious.
Collins 4 Weeks Old
As of today, Sunday, September 12, Collins is doing great.  All tests have come back negative for infection but they still treat him as though he had NEC.  They have been administering antibiotics and halted all feedings.  The poor little guy hasn't had food since Wednesday.  And believe me he is ready to eat!  Every time he is held he is rooting around looking for food and all we can do is give him his pacifier.  They assure me he is fine without eating.  He's receiving his nutrition thru IV fluids.  Collins will be in NICU for at least 10 days.  On day 7, Wednesday, September 15, they will start him on his feeds again.

Praise God for looking out for our "Little Man."

Graduated to Special Care Unit

As of Thursday, August 26, Collins and Claire graduated to the Special Care Unit, designed for preemies, at Presby located on the 6th floor of the Jackson Building. This is considered a step above the NICU and focuses on preparing the family and babies to go home. The care in the unit centers on helping babies to learn to feed and outgrow what are referred to as “BRADY’s”. BRADY’s are sleep apnea in premature babies. Premature babies tend to stop or forget to breathe. They average about 5 a day but should begin to outgrow them quickly. Before going home, Collins and Claire will have to go 5 days without having a BRADY. They will also have to complete 8 full feedings on their own in a 24 hour period of time. They are currently at 2-3 feedings a day.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Collins and Claire - One Month Old!

Our daily routine revolves around Collins’ and Claire’s 3-hour feeding schedule and kangaroo holding time. We have a large, private twin-room to accommodate our lengthy stay. There is little or no down-time, and the day seems to pass quickly. They both already have quite the personalities. Miss Claire is our feisty, little one who knows when it is feeding time. She wakes up grunting and rooting around for her hands cueing dinner time. Collins on the other hand is more laid back, looking wide-eyed and analyzing the world around him. He seems to be much more patient than sister. Can you guess who takes after whom??? We stare at them daily with amazement and thankfulness. We are so blessed that GOD has given them to us and has watched over them from day one.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Introducing Collins and Claire Roddy

10 Days Old-First time to hold at the same time.
On Sunday, August 8 at 9:55 and 9:57 AM respectively, Evelyn Claire (3 lbs. 13 oz., 16 in.) and Collins McClain (2lbs. 11 oz., 15 ½ in.) joined the world at 31 and a half weeks. Both have transitioned very well over the past month, and the doctors have been pleased with their daily progress.