Thursday, September 16, 2010


Collins started his bottle feedings back yesterday after going 7 days with nothing but IV fluids.  He is up to 10 mL of milk today and seems to be handling the feeds quite well.  He is now waking up about 30 min before feeding time rooting around waiting to be fed.  Collins did give us a scare this morning...his heart rate and respiration rate was running a little high which could be an indication of infection.  The doctors ordered tests and they all came back negative.  They said all they can do is to continue to monitor his heart and respiration rates closely since all tests are negative.  It's day to day with "Little Man." 

Now Claire...she is doing great!  We call her our "Little Pigglet."  She loves to eat and now weighs 5lbs 15oz.  She nurses three times a day, bottle feeds once a day, and the other four feedings are by tube.  She is slowly working her way up to the eight feedings required to leave.  Course we aren't in any hurry to leave since Collins won't be going home anytime soon. 

We stay busy going back-n-forth between special care and NICU.  They both feed every 3-hours.  Collins feeds 9:00, 12:00, 3:00...and Claire 8:00, 11:00, as you can see we spend most of our time feeding kiddos!  They are precious and we find ourselves just gazing at them!

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